It can be viewed using its 700K player, which is downloaded once from its web site. San Francisco-based BitMagic licensed Macromedia Inc’s Director and Flash tools to create short animated comedies and commercials and has also licensed games, which put together make up its daily edition, which is two to three minutes long. It has also found during testing over the past couple of months that many users re-run the daily addition, as the company calls it after lunch as a pick-me-up to get them through the afternoon, hence the firm’s tagline, a great little waste of time. It is hoping that users will want to start their day watching a short series of cartoons interspersed with short commercials before they settle down to whatever it is they do. But newly launched BitMagic NV believes it can take that one step further and sell some cars, books and other stuff along the way. Comedy on the internet is usually confined to the distribution of jokes of varying quality and levels of taste among friends.